Known for their signature song Closing Time, the band members are Dan Wilson (guitar/vocals), John Munson (bass), and Jacob Slichter (drums). This title is a cover of Closing Time as made famous by Semisonic. Semisonic is a power pop/alternative rock band formed in Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.

This song was nomniated for a Grammy Award for best Rock Song in 1999. It was written by Dan Wilson, the lead singer of Semisonic.

This is a great song from the late 1990’s.
#Semisonic closing time how to play license
The 'Closing Time' singer talks to EW about one-hit wonders, being an in-demand songwriter, and the. License courtesy of : Warner Chappell France. Learn how to play the song Closing Time by Semisonic with this free acoustic guitar lesson. Semisonic - Closing time This is a great song but people always miss so much of it and make it simplistic anyway listen carefully to the subtle parts people miss like a whole verse. Opening time: Dan Wilson on the return of Semisonic and writing hits for Adele and the Chicks.